Bike Week and the Sounds of Environmental Wellness

Environmental Wellness:to be safe and feel safe in a clean, peaceful, empowering home and community that encourage individual and collaborative growth.   My neighbor is a Harley guy with biker friends. I met these guys seven years ago during Bike Week 2016, the week I moved into my home. They and their wives invited me over for … Continue reading Bike Week and the Sounds of Environmental Wellness

A Milestone Year

Momentous Living is about beingDaring enough to travel inside and out.Daring enough to be daring.Daring enough to be. —Momentous Living: Better self. Better world. by Debby Kerr-Henry, page 6 *** Milestones—those rocks that mark the distance in miles along a road to a particular destination—provide perspective on how far we’ve traveled. And like with milestones, new years … Continue reading A Milestone Year